SAS Grade


Click on the images to read bios.

Powerpoint presentation “What is an SAS Grade” by Adrian Curtis, BAOS SAS Rep, November 2020′ – view here
Two BAOS members who currently work as SAS grades have kindly described their career pathways and development to date including gaining Specialist status:
  • Gregor: gained Specialist List status through the mediated entry process in 2019 (now renamed the Specialist List Assessed Application process (SLAA)). He was also recently regraded to Associate Specialist by his Trust. Read about Gregor here.
  • Sheena: gained Specialist List status via the Oral Surgery Training program. Read about Sheena here.
1. Personal Development and Extended Roles
This recently updated, comprehensive and easy to read document outlines SAS development. The document references the SAS Grade in the NHS as a whole, but includes Dental Specialties for the first time and includes a case study of an Oral Surgeon and ex BAOS Council member. We have expanded on some aspects of it below to relate it to Oral Surgery.
1.1 Training Courses and Qualifications: The following are some commonly accessed courses which may lead to an official qualification. Courses may be run independently (locally or nationally) or may accessible through Health Education England (HEE).
  • PGCME (Diploma/MSc)
  • Leadership (Diploma/MSc)
  • Train the Trainers: e.g. the following course which is specific to Oral Surgery and is run by a very experienced SAS Grade
  • Sedation (Certificate/Diploma/MSc)
  • Implantology
Involvement in Local Training Programmes: (FD, GPT, DCT, StR ):
  • Faculty of Dental trainers RCSEd : can provide guidance for career development in dental training
1.2 Leadership & Management Trust Level SAS Networks:
  • Local Trust SAS committees: All trusts will have a SAS network. It is beneficial for the development of the role to engage with this.
  • SAS Tutors: Support the local SAS network including managing the local SAS Development fund. Any SAS can apply to become the trust tutor when the post is vacated.
  • Most trusts require dentally qualified staff to undertake the medical appraisal process as part of their contractual obligations. SAS grades can become appraisers- your trust will have detailed guidance on how to go about this.
  • Acting as a support for new SAS grades:
    • Development courses are available locally and nationally
    • Should be recognised in your appraisal
Lead roles:
  • Deanery:
    • Associate Deans
  • Trust:
    • Clinical Director Divisional Director
    • Associate Medical Director
Local Level JCNC/LNC: MCN: See commissioning document
  • Managed Clinical Networks in Oral Surgery are becoming more widespread nationally, commonly organised in collaboration with NHS England. Check to see if there is one in your region and how to get involved.
National Level  
2. National Guidance
A Good overview of the role of an SAS grade can be found at
A new and comprehensive guide to SAS role development can be found at
The SAS charter details what you can expect from your trust, and what they can expect from you
The latest on Pay and Conditions, updated annually  
3. BAOS Council Presentation
Presented for the BAOS Bytesize online events programme in November 2020 – click here